Work Study and Measurement


Process charting and analysis. Work sampling. Time study. Computerized Work Measurement. Predetermined Motion Time Systems (PMTS): Methods-Time Measurement (MTM), Work factor, and Standard data. Wage payment and incentive plans.


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1. Productivity Measurement and Improvement
a. Work Study
b. Historical Development of Work Study
c. Productivity Measurement
d. Improvement

2. Methods Study
a. Operation Charts
b. Process Charts
i. Flow Process Chart
ii. Worker Process Chart and Form Process Chart
iii. Flow Diagram
iv. Activity Charts (Right-Hand / Left-Hand Activity Chart)
v. Worker-Machine Activity Chart
vi. Worker-Multimachine Activity Chart
c. Operations Analysis
d. Micro-Motion Analyis
e. Principles of Motion Economy

3. Work Measurement
a. Methods to Determine Time Standards
b. Allowances in Time Standards
c. Direct Time Study Procedures
d. Performance Rating
e. Time Study Equipment
f. Overview of Predetermined Motion Time Systems
g. Methods-Time Measurement (MTM), MTM-1, MOST
h. Using a Standard Data System
i. Work Element Classification in Standard Data Systems
j. Work Sampling Definition and Appliciations

4. Workforce Management / Job Design
a. Learning Curve Theory
i. Learning Curve Data
ii. Calculation of Learning Curve
b. Wages and Wage Incentives
i. Purposes of Wage and Salary
ii. Types of Wages
iii. Fringe Benefits

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