Engineering Mechanics


    Force, moment, and motion concepts. Newton's Laws of Motion. Analysis of particles and rigid bodies in static and dynamic equilibrium using vector mechanics and energy and momentum methods. Geometric properties of lines, areas, and volumes.


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1. Principles of Mechanics
a. Fundamental Concepts, Force Systems, Components of Force
b. Moment of Force
c. Resultant of Force Systems

2. Equilibrium
a. Free-body Diagram
b. Equilibrium of Force Systems

3. Analysis of Structures I
a. Types of Elementary Structures
b. Nature of Supports and Their Reactions
c. Analysis of Plane Trusses; Methods of Joints

4. Analysis of Structures II
a. Analysis of Plane Trusses; Methods of Sections

5. Centroids and Center of Gravity
a. Center of Gravity of Two-dimensional Body; Flat Plate
b. Centroids of Composite Bodies - Approximation

6. Kinematics
a. Rectilinear Motion
b. Curvilinear Motion

7. Kinetics
a. Newton's Law of Motion
b. Dynamic Equilibrium
c. Energy and Momentum Methods

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