Industrial Materials and Processes


    Industrial materials and processes and their effects on production system decisions. Metals, plastics, glass and ceramics, elastomers, wood, pulp, and other common engineering materials, their uses, and their production processes.


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1. Introduction to Industrial Materials and Processes
a. Manufacturing Engineering
b. Manufacturing Processes
c. Product Simplification and Standardization
d. Quality Control and Inspection
e. Product Automation and Mechanization
f. Computer-Aided Manufacturing

2. Production Facilities
a. Plant and Shop Layout
b. Good Plant Layout Design
c. Types of Layouts

3. Properties of Materials
a. Physical Properties
b. Chemical Properties
c. Thermal Properties
d. Electrical Properties
e. Magnetic Properties
f. Optical Properties
g. Mechanical Properties
h. Material Testing
i. Materials for Engineering Applications


4. Properties and Uses of Common Engineering Metals
a. Common Engineering Metals
b. Classification of Engineering Materials
c. Ferrous Materials Properties and Applications

5. Casting and Forming Processes
a. Casting
b. Forging
c. Hot and Cold Working

6. Machining Processes
a. Introduction to Machining Processes

7. Joining and Finishing Operations
a. Joining Operations
b. Finishing Operations

8. Processes and Techniques Related to Manufacturing
a. Other Manufacturing Processes
b. Improvement Techniques Related to Manufacturing


9. Wood
a. Properties
b. Uses
c. Production Processes

10. Plastics
a. Properties
b. Uses
c. Production Processes

11. Pulp and Paper
a. Properties
b. Uses
c. Production Processes

12. Rubber and Elastomers
a. Properties
b. Uses
c. Production Processes

13. Glass and Ceramics
a. Properties
b. Uses
c. Production Processes

14. Composites
a. Properties
b. Uses
c. Production Processes

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