National Service Training Program


    National Service Training Program (NSTP) is designed to encourage the youth to contribute to the improvement of the general welfare and the quality of life of Filipino. This will require the students to carry out projects and activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life of community members or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, safety, livelihood, environment, entrepreneurship, recreation, morals of the citizenry, and other welfare services.


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1. The National Service Training Program
a. The Evolution of NSTP
b. FAQs about NSTP

2. Good Citizenship
a. The Bill of Rights of Filipinos
b. The Basic Values of the Filipinos
c. Salient Provisions of Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines
d. Leadership and the Youth

3. Drug and Substance Abuse, Prevention, and Control
a. Nature of Drug and Drug Abuse
b. The National Drug Situation in the Philippines
c. Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
d. The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
e. The Youth and Government's Response

4. Disaster Risk and Reduction and Management
a. Overview of the Philippine Disaster Management System
b. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Concepts
c. Geographic Hazards and Disaster Risk Profiles
d. Vulnerability of the Urban Environment

5. Environmental Awareness and Protection
a. Basic Concepts and Laws Governing Environmental Education
b. Climate Change
c. Ecological Solid Waste Management
d. Air Pollution Awareness and Prevention

6. National Security Concerns
a. Concept of National Security
b. Understanding Values of Peace
c. Creating Culture of Peace


7. Citizen Participation in Election

8. Know Your Kidneys

9. Self-awareness, Values Development, and Servant Leadership

10. The Youth for Sustainable Development

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