Understanding the Self


    Deals with the nature of identity. Factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of personal identity. Understand the construct of the self from various disciplinary perspectives. Includes the mandatory topics on Family Planning and Population Education.


    The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of personal identity.

    The directive to Know Oneself has inspired countless and varied wats to comply. Among the questions that everyone has to grapple with at one time or other is "Who Am I?" At no other period is this question asked more urgently than in adolescence -- traditionally believed to be a time of vulnerability and great possibilities. Issues of self and identity are among the most critical for the young.

    This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identity to arrive at a better understanding of one's self. It strives to meet this goal by stressing the integration of the personal with the academic -- contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the everyday experiences of students -- making for better learning, generating a new appreciation for the learning process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life.

    The course is divided into three major parts: The first part seeks to understand the construct of the self from various disciplinal perspectives: philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and psychology -- as well as the more traditional division between the East and West -- each seeking to provide answers to the difficult but essential question of "What is the self?" And raising, among others, the question: "Is there even such a construct as the self?"

    The second part explores some of the various aspects that make up the self, as the biological and material up to and including the more recent Digital Self. The third and final part identifies three areas of concern for young students: learning, goal setting, and managing stress. It also provides for the more practical application of the concepts discussed in this course and enables them hands-on experience of developing self-help plans for self-regulated learning, goal setting, and self-care.

    This course includes the mandatory topics on Family Planning and Population Education (CHED, 2017).

Read More:
Plato's Concept of the Self - Understanding the Self
      by TED-Ed [4:58] | YouTube

      by The School of Life [7:46] | YouTube

      by The School of Life [5:55] | YouTube

      by The Art of Improvement [6:11] | YouTube

      by Psych2Go [5:00] | YouTube


1. The Self from Various Perspectives
        a. Philosophy
                i. Socrates, Plato, and Augustine to Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant,
                   Freud, Ryle, Churchland and Merleau-Ponty
        b. Sociology
                i. The Self as the Product of Modern Society
                ii. Mead and the Social Self
        c. Anthropology
                i. The Self and Person in Contemporary Anthropology
                ii. The Self embedded in Culture
        d. Psychology
                i. The Self as a Cognitive Construction
                ii. The Self as Proactive and Agentic
        e. The Self in Western and Oriental/Eastern Thought
                i. Individualistic vs. Collective Self
                ii. The Social Construction of the Self in Western Thought
                iii. The Self as Embedded in Relationships and Through Spiritual 
                     Development in Confucian Thought

2. Unpacking the Self
        a. The Physical Self
                i. The Impact of Culture on Body Image and Self Esteem: 
                    The Importance of Beauty
        b. Sexual Self
                i. Development of Secondary Sex Characteristics and
                   the Human Reproductive System
                ii. Erogenous Zones
                iii. Human Sexual Response
                iv. Basic Biology of Sexual Behavior
                v. Chemistry of Lust, Love, and Attachment
                vi. What Turns People On: The Phases of Sexual Response
                vii. The Diversity of Sexual Behavior
                viii. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
                ix. Methods of Contraception (Natural and Artificial)
        c. The Material/Economic Self
                i. The Role of Consumer Culture on our Sense of Self and Indetity
        d. The Spiritual Self
                i. The Practice of Religion: Belief in Supernatural Being and Power
                ii. The Concept of "Dungan" - Spirit or Soul
                iii. Rituals and Ceremonies (Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft)
                iv. Three Ways of Discovering Meaning in Life
        e. The Political Self
                i. Developing a Filipino Identity
                ii. Establishing a Democratic Culture
        f. The Digital Self
                i. Self and the Cyberspace
                ii. User ID Online Identity
                iii. Selective Self Presentation and Impression Management
                iv. Impact of Online Interactions on the Self
                v. Boundaries of the Self Online

3. Managing and Caring for the Self
        a. Learning to be a Better Student
                i. What Happens During Learning?
                ii. Brain and Behavioral Changes
                iii. Metacognition and Study Strategies
                iv. Managing Your Own Learning
                v. Self Regulated Learning
        b. Setting Goals for Success
                i. The Importance of Goals
                ii.Bandura's Self Efficacy, Dweck's Mindset (Growth vs. Fixed)
                iii. Locke's Goal Setting Theory
        c. Taking Charge of One’s Health
                i. Stressors and Responses
                ii. Sources of Coping and Strength
                iii. Stress and Filipinos: The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Stress
                iv. Taking Care of the Self: The Need for Self Care and Compassion

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