Physics for Engineers


    Vectors; kinematics; dynamics; work, energy, and power; impulse and momentum; rotation; dynamics of rotation; elasticity; oscillation; fluids, heat transfer; waves; electrostatics; magnetism; optics.


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1. Units and Measurement in Physics
a. The International System of Units (SI)
b. Unit of Mass
c. Atomic Mass Unit
c. Unit of Time
d. Additional Measurements

2. Work, Energy, and Power
a. Variable Force
b. Conservation of Energy

3. Impulse and Momentum
a. Center of Mass
b. Impulse
c. Conservation of Momentum
d. Scattering

4. Kinematics
a. Scalars and Vectors
i. Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Vectors
ii. The Component Method
iii. Unit Vectors and Representations
b. Motion in 1-Dimension
i. Position and Displacement
ii. Velocity
iii. Acceleration and Deceleration
iv. Time Independent Relations
v. Free Fall in Vacuum
c. Motion in 2-Dimension and 3-Dimension
i. Position and Displacement
ii. Motion in a Plane
iii. Circular Motion
iv. Frequency and Period

5. Dynamics
a. Newton's First Law of Motion
b. Newton's Second Law of Motion
c. Newton's Third Law of Motion
d. Weight vs. Mass
e. Elastic Force
f. Friction and Dissipative Forces
g. Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion
h. The Centripetal Force

6. Rotation
a. Angular Displacement
b. Angular Velocity
c. Angular Acceleration
d. Angular Momentum
e. Torque
f. Rotational Motion
g. Rotational Kinetic Energy
h. Moment of Inertia
i. Conservation of Angular Momentum

7. Elasticity
a. Static Equilibrium
b. Center of Gravity
c. Elasticity
d. Modulus of Elasticity
e. Elasticity and Plasticity

8. Oscillations
a. Simple Harmonic Motion
b. The Simple Pendulum

9. Fluid Mechanics
a. Density
b. Pressure
c. Fluid Dynamics

10. Heat Transfer
a. Temperature
b. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
c. The Thermal Expansion
d. Heat, Heat Conduction, and Work
e. The First Law of Thermodynamics

11. Waves
a. Longitudal and Transverse Waves
b. Frequency, Period, and Wavelength
c. Wave Velocity
d. Vibrating String
e. Wave Equation and Solutions
f. Power and Intensity of Waves
g. Interference, Standing Waves, and Resonances

12. Electrostatics
a. Introduction to Electrostatics
b. Charge
c. Electrostatic Force
d. Electric Fields
e. Electrical Potential

13. Magnetism
a. Electromagnetism
b. Magnetic Units of Measurement
c. Electromagnetic Induction
d. AC
e. Measurements of AC Magnitude

14. Optics
a. Refraction
b. Lenses
c. Reflection
d. Curved Mirrors
e. Electromagnetic Spectrum

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