Writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for various purposes. Communication processes, principles, and ethics. Globalization. Multicultural settings. Critical evaluation of messages and images. Communication aids and strategies. Communication for work and academic purposes.
Purposive Communication develops communicative competence and enhances cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context. It equips tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly. The knowledge, skills, and insights that gain from this course may be used in academic endeavors, chosen disciplines, and future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual, and web-based output for various purposes (CHED, 2017).
The five skills of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing) are studied and simulated in advanced academic settings, such as conversing intelligently on a subject of import, reporting on group work and/or assignments, writing and delivering a formal speech, writing minutes of meetings and similar documents, preparing research or technical paper, and making an audio-visual or web-based presentation. In the process, the criteria for effective communication are discussed and used as the basis of peer evaluation of communication exercises in the class as well as for judging communication techniques used by public officials, educators, industry leaders, churches, and private individuals. The purpose of these combined activities is to enable students to practice strategies of communication with a clear purpose and audience in mind, guided by the criteria of effective communication and the appropriate language. (elearningust, n.d.).
Read More:
by GreggU [3:13] | YouTube
by TED-Ed [4:32] | YouTube
by GreggU [2:53] | YouTube
by MindToolsVideos [2:46] | YouTube
by Young Entrepreneurs Forum [3:02] | YouTube
1. Communication Processes, Principles, and Ethics
a. Elements and Types of Communication
b. Elements of Communication in Various Texts
2. Communication and Globalization
3. Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Settings
a. Culturally Appropriate Terms, Expressions, and Images
b. Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language
c. Cultural Appropriateness in Communicating
4. Creating and Evaluating Multimodal Messages and Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different Cultures
5. Doing Advocacy Campaigns
6. Communication Aids and Strategies using Tools of Technology
a. Preparing Audio-visual and Web-based Presentations
b. Identifying Problems with the Research Presentation in the Video
7. Communication for Various Purposes
a. Informative, Persuasive, and Argumentative Communication
b. Public Communication
c. Types of Speeches and Public Speaking
i. Read
ii. Memorized
iii. Impromptu
iv. Extemporaneous
d. Asking Information Through Inquiry Letter or Interview, Response to Queries, Incident Reports
8. Communication for Work Purposes
(Healthcare, Education, Business and Trade, Law, Media, Science and Technology)
a. Effective Communication and Oral Presentations in the Workplace
b. Analysis of Different Communication Materials
c. Writing Communication Materials for the Workplace
i. Minutes
ii. Memo
iii. Requests
iv. Business/Technical/Incident Reports
v. Letters
9. Communication for Academic Purposes
(Research-based Journal, Magazine, Article)
a. Communication for Academic Purposes
b. Independent Research Paper
i. Topic Proposal
ii. Literature Review
iii. Data Gathering
iv. Data Analysis
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