

    Thermodynamic properties of pure substances, ideal and real gases, and the study and application of the laws of thermodynamics in the analysis of processes and cycles. Introduction to vapor and gas cycles.


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1. Introduction to Thermodynamics
a. Basic Principles, Concepts, and Definitions
b. History and Development of Thermodynamics
c. Branches and Applications of Thermodynamics
b. Overview of First Law of Thermodynamics
c. Overview of Second Law of Thermodynamics
d. Overview of Third Law of Thermodynamics

2. Thermodynamic Systems, States, and Processes
a. Thermodynamic Systems
b. Properties of Thermodynamic Systems
c. Thermodynamic State and Equilibrium
d. Thermodynamic Process and Cycle

3. Thermodynamic Properties
a. Relevant Thermodynamic Properties
b. Temperature
c. Pressure

4. Forms of Energy
a. Energy and Forms of Energy
b. Heat and Work as Energy Transfer
c. Analysis of a Thermodynamic System

5. Ideal Gas and Real Gas

6. Ideal Gas Processes

7. Carnot Cycle

8. Otto Cycle

9. Diesel Cycle

10. Properties of Two-Phase Pure Substance

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