Financial Accounting


    Accounting concepts and principles applied to service; merchandising and manufacturing operations; partnerships and corporations; the analysis, interpretation, and use of accounting data for management.

    Financial accounting also introduces the basics of accounting which is considered as the language of business. Also, the course intends to hone understanding of business transactions. Topics include an introduction to accounting, branches of accounting, users of accounting information, forms of business organization, types of business according to activities, accounting concepts and principles, the accounting equation, types of major accounts, rules of debit and credit, and the accounting cycle.


    Financial accounting is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis, and reporting of financial transactions related to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public use. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision-making purposes.

Read More:

     by ProfAlldredge [4:15] | YouTube

      by The Finance Storyteller [4:05] | YouTube

      by Accounting Stuff [14:12] | YouTube

      by Accounting Stuff [5:43] | YouTube

      by Philippine Accounting Wiz Tutorials [23:42] | YouTube


1. Accounting and Its Environment
a. Introduction to Financial Accounting
        i. What is Accounting?
ii. History of Accounting
iii. Users of Accounting Information
iv. Fields of Accounting
v. Types of Financial Statements
vi. Types of Business Organization According to Ownership
vii. Elements of Accounting

2. Accounting Concepts, Principles, and Assumptions
a. The Accounting Equation and Effects of Transaction

3. Double-Entry Accounting System and Recording Business Transactions
a. The Accounting Cycle for Service & Manufacturing Business

4. Time Period Assumption and Corresponding Use of Adjusting Entries
a. End of Period Adjustments

5. Preparation of Financial Statements and the Completion of the Accounting Cycle
a. Completion of Accounting Cycle

6. Recording Transactions in a Merchandising Concern

7. Accounting for Assets Categories:
a. Cash A/R
b. N/R
c. Inventory
d. Plant Assets

8. Accounting for Liability Categories:
a. A/P
b. N/P
c. Accrued and Estimated Liabilities and Long-Term Debt
d. Bonds Payable

9. Ownership Equity in the Three General Forms of Business Organization:
a. Sole Proprietorship
b. Partnership
c. Corporation

10. Investment in Corporate Securities

11. Analysis of Financial Statements

PDF Materials (E-Books):

     by Robert Libby, Patricia A. Libby & Daniel G. Short
     File Size: 341 KB | Page Count: 43

      by Christine Jonick, Ed.D.
      File Size: 5.1 MB | Page Count: 318

      by Dr. Mahesh Chand Garg
      File Size: 4.1 MB | Page Count: 662

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