Operations Research 1


    Development and application of fundamental deterministic optimization models and various solution methods. Quantitative modeling, formulation, analysis, and interpretation of linear integer and non-integer models and network flow problems.


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1. Introduction
        a. Origin and Development of Operations Research (OR)
        b. OR Approach and Methodology
        c. OR Application Areas

2. Linear Programming (LP)
        a. Definition and Characteristics of the LP Problem
        b. Mathematical Modeling / Formulation of the LP Problem

3. Solution Approaches to LP Problems
        a. Graphical Method
        b. Simplex Method:
                i. Big-M Technique
                ii. Two-Phase Method
        c. Matrix Approach to LP
        d. Special Cases:
                i. Degeneracy
                ii. Infeasibility
                iii. Alternate Optima
                iv. Unbounded Solution

4. Duality and Sensitivity Analysis
        a. Primal-Dual Relationship
        b. Formulation and Interpretation of the Dual Problem
        c. Dual Simplex Method
        d. Sensitivity Analysis

5. Integer Linear Programming (ILP)
        a. Concepts and Formulation of ILP Problems
        b. Solution Approaches:
                i. Graphical Method
                ii. Implicit Enumeration
                iii. Branch and Bound Algorithm
                iv. Gomory's Cutting Plane Algorithm

6. Special Types of LP: Modeling and Solution Algorithms
        a. Transportation Model
        b. Transshipment Model
        c. Assignment Model

7. Network Models
        a. Definition
        b. Shortest Route Algorithms
        c. Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm
        d. Maxima Flow Algorithm
        e. Project Management: PERT and CPM

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