Allied Courses

Allied Courses

Principles of EconomicsIntroduction to economic theory and applications. economic systems; supply and demand; market efficiency; taxation; international trade; production; firm behavior and industry organization; national income; prince indices; financial system; labor market and unemployment; money growth and inflation; monetary and fiscal policy.

Financial AccountingAccounting concepts and principles applied to service; merchandising and manufacturing operations; partnerships and corporations; the analysis, interpretation, and use of accounting data for management.

Managerial AccountingUses accounting information for managerial planning and control; cost terminology and concepts; job order and process costing systems; cost behaviors; budgeting and responsibility accounting; performance measures; flexible budgets and overhead analysis; segment reporting; capital budgeting decisions.

ThermodynamicsThermodynamic properties of pure substances, ideal and real gases, and the study and application of the laws of thermodynamics in the analysis of processes and cycles. Introduction to vapor and gas cycles.

Elementary Electrical EngineeringPrinciples, basic laws, and theorems used in analyzing electrical circuits in both direct current and alternating current conditions.

Environmental ScienceEcological framework of sustainable development; pollution environments; water, air, and solid; waste treatment processes, disposal, and management; government legislation, rules, and regulation related to the environment and waste management; and environmental management system.

Industrial Psychology. Explores how psychology is applied in the workplace; data analysis and interpretation; using assessments for predictions; job analysis adjustment evaluation, and employee performance; appraising employees and giving feedback; foundations of training employees; employee motivation; job satisfaction and commitment; employee engagement.

Industrial Marketing. Basic concepts of marketing; basic concepts of industrial marketing; industrial markets; organizations purchasing behavior, a system of purchasing decisions; strategic planning of industrial marketing and segmentation of industrial market; the product and distribution in industrial marketing; pricing and promotion in industrial marketing.

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